13. Tools

Effective tooling and development workflows are crucial for productive TypeScript development. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of linting and code formatting, using TypeScript with popular code editors, and debugging TypeScript code to ensure a smooth development process.

Linting and Code Formatting


Linting is the process of analyzing your code to find and report issues, such as syntax errors, coding style violations, and potential bugs. Linters like ESLint and TSLint (deprecated in favor of ESLint with TypeScript support) are commonly used in TypeScript projects to maintain code quality and consistency.

Benefits of Linting:

  • Code Consistency: Enforces a consistent coding style across your project, making the codebase more readable and maintainable.
  • Bug Prevention: Identifies potential issues and common programming mistakes before they become runtime errors.
  • Improved Collaboration: Helps teams collaborate effectively by enforcing coding standards.

Code Formatting

Code formatting ensures that your code adheres to a consistent style, including aspects like indentation, line breaks, and whitespace. Tools like Prettier and TSLint (with the --fix option) can be used for automatic code formatting.

Benefits of Code Formatting:

  • Consistent Style: Maintains a uniform code style across your project, even when multiple developers are working on it.
  • Saves Time: Automates the process of formatting, reducing the need for manual code cleanup.
  • Reduced Friction: Minimizes disagreements about code formatting during code reviews.

TypeScript is well-supported by a variety of code editors. Here are some popular editors and their TypeScript integration:

1. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

VS Code is a widely used code editor with excellent TypeScript support. It provides features like IntelliSense, real-time error checking, and easy integration with TypeScript’s build tools.


  • IntelliSense for TypeScript, including code completion and type information.
  • Real-time error highlighting and quick fixes.
  • Integrated terminal for running TypeScript-related commands.
  • Debugging support for TypeScript applications.
  • Extensive extension marketplace for customizing your development environment.

2. WebStorm

WebStorm is a powerful IDE for web development, including TypeScript projects. It offers TypeScript-specific features and integration with build tools like npm and webpack.


  • Intelligent code completion and refactoring tools.
  • Support for TypeScript’s type checking and error reporting.
  • Integration with popular version control systems like Git.
  • Built-in Node.js debugging support.

3. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a lightweight code editor known for its speed and extensibility. You can enhance its TypeScript support using packages and plugins.


  • TypeScript syntax highlighting and code snippets.
  • Support for build systems to compile TypeScript code.
  • A wide range of community-contributed packages for TypeScript development.

Debugging TypeScript Code

Debugging is a critical aspect of the development workflow. TypeScript applications can be debugged using the built-in tools of your code editor or external debuggers like Node.js’s Inspector.

Debugging in VS Code:

VS Code offers a robust debugging experience for TypeScript applications. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Set breakpoints in your TypeScript code by clicking on the line numbers.
  2. Start debugging by pressing F5 or clicking the “Run and Debug” button.
  3. Use the debugging toolbar to control the flow of your application, inspect variables, and view call stacks.
  4. The VS Code debugger will automatically attach to your running TypeScript process.

Debugging in WebStorm:

WebStorm provides a built-in debugger for TypeScript applications. You can start debugging by adding breakpoints and using the debugger toolbar.

Debugging with Node.js:

If your TypeScript application runs on Node.js, you can use Node.js’s built-in debugging tools. Start your application with the --inspect flag, and you can attach a debugger to it, either through a code editor or via the Chrome DevTools.

node --inspect dist/app.js


Effective tooling, linting, code formatting, and a well-configured development environment are essential for productive TypeScript development. Leveraging popular code editors like VS Code, WebStorm, or Sublime Text, along with their TypeScript integrations, can greatly enhance your development workflow. Additionally, knowing how to debug TypeScript code is crucial for identifying and fixing issues in your applications. With the right tools and practices, TypeScript development can be efficient and enjoyable.
